Privacy Policy
McMahon DeGulis LLP is committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy statement explains our treatment of any information gathered through your use of this web site. By using our site, you are deemed to have accepted the terms of this statement. Please note that this privacy policy does not address the use of information by the third party web sites to which we have provided as links. McMahon DeGulis LLP is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites.
When you visit the McMahon DeGulis LLP web site our web server, like all web servers, automatically recognizes the domain name from which your visit originates, your operating system, and other similar information not of a personally identifiable nature. Other than the information you voluntarily supply to us, McMahon DeGulis LLP does not collect personally identifiable information (such as your name, address, telephone number, and email address) from your use of this web site. McMahon DeGulis LLP will use your personally identifiable information only for the purpose for which you submitted that information.
Information from Children: McMahon DeGulis LLP does not direct its web site to children under thirteen (13) years of age. Individuals under eighteen (18) should consult with their parent or guardian about the use of this web site.
McMahon DeGulis LLP reserves the right to use any information you supply to us consistent with any applicable laws and any professional obligations we may have. McMahon DeGulis LLP may change this policy from time to time; please visit this page periodically.